Monday, July 13, 2009

Of course I saw Bruno opening weekend.

Annie and I saw Bruno on sunday. I thought my favorite mimi was working so I saw it without her (gasp). I know, bad taste on my part.

First of all, everyone should try sneaking into the Broadway Metroplex, I only realized after the fact how easy it would've been. 

We all knew how fucking funny this movie was going to be, but the bigger question was if it was going to be funnier than Borat. The answer is yes and no. More of the bits in Borat were slightly funnier, perhaps just because that movie was first, so seemed more shocking, and perhaps because the general story was better written. But, you know how in these movies the worst people in America are exploited for the fear mongering idiots they really are and we get to laugh at them. More of the same in Bruno sure, but those instances are completely pushed farther and perhaps then funnier. Next sentence is kind of a spoiler but, having a gay make out session in the middle of a UFC ring in Arkansas? All the enraged and crying Darlenes and Dustins in the crowd watching on made me bounce up and down in my seat.

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